Program Resources
As a Social Change student, we wanted to make it easy to access all of the things you may need to succeed in this program. Please find below all of the resources you need to succeed in our Social Change Leadership program.
Mindset & Well-Being
Student Administration

If you know you are going to miss a class, please fill out the Class Absence Form at least 24 hours in advance of class.

If you have missed a class, please watch the class recording under the lesson missed and fill this form.
Please make an effort to catch up on the missed class within 2 weeks of it taking place so you do not miss important information that will help you to succeed in the program.

Please fill out the form below when you need Create Change to prepare an official letter for you and/or your team, to verify your involvement in Social Change Leadership.
PLEASE NOTE: This should only be requested if you need to show proof to your school, a business, etc. that your are enrolled in this program in order to enable a fundraising activity.
Funds & Donations

If one of your donors requires a tax receipt, please fill out the form below.
Only donations are eligible for a tax receipt, meaning they gave a pure donation and did not receive any product, ticket, etc. in return.
We only issue tax receipts for donations $20 and up. Create Change issues tax receipts quarterly, except for monthly donations, which are issued annually.
PLEASE NOTE: Donations made on the Create Change website and via GoFundMe are automatically issued and no request is necessary.
Marketing & Messaging

When fundraising and asking people to donate their hard, earned money, it is important that you can answer any questions they may have.
If you do not know the answer, off the top of your head, to a question they are asking, DO NOT make it up. It is okay to say, ‘Good question. Let me consult my notes’ or ‘I will get in touch with my Facilitator and ask.’

lease find below a sample pitch you can customize for your own fundraising purposes.
Remember, when pitching it is always better to be brief, and add more details depending on the potential supporter's interest and follow-up questions.
💡Pro Tip: Practice by recording yourself and listening to where you are strong and where you struggle.